
"Numbers have a way of taking man and leading him down the path of reason"

I'd like to tell you a little about me. I'm a wife. I'm a dog lover. I'm a witch. I'm a gardener. Some tend to refer to me as a modern day hippie. I believe in the earth, the sun and the moon, and the soul. 

I have lived in Indiana my whole life. In 2018, my partner and I purchased our homestead. It's a little over an acre right on the river. It's our slice of pie and I adore it. I feel drawn to this land, and with that drawn to the simple life. 

I have found a love for gardening, bird watching, and identifying bugs and plants. I knew there had to be a way to incorporate my love of numbers into my newfound simple life. 

Here it is. My dream. Abundance Alchemy. 

Fun Facts

I'm a Gemini sun, Aries moon, and Virgo rising signs.

I am enneagram 8 and INTJ

I hold a motorcycle endorsement on my drivers license.