An Ode to Besa

In February 2012, I was a Junior in college and had just moved into my first apartment the month prior. My roommate had a dog and I thought having a dog of my own would help at that time in my life. I was probably a little naive, if we are being honest. At 20 years old, I did not need a dog, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I made. Little did I know the lessons this sweet girl would teach me. 

I started looking on Petfinder not knowing exactly what I was looking for. I stumbled upon the sweetest looking dog named Speckles. I went the next day and asked to see this girl. I sat down outside the kennel room door because they said she was a little timid. As soon as she came up to me she instantly gave me the best dog kisses ever. I knew in that moment she chose me.

Part of the program at the shelter is to spay and neuter all animals, so I had to wait a whole week to come get her because she was scheduled to be spayed the next day. On February 21, 2012 I went to pick her up and she became my best friend instantly.

The Animal shelter did not have much information on her, but we determined she was about a year and a half old. Her previous owner didn’t want her and that’s all they had. We struggled at first learning to crate train, teaching her to be okay around other dogs, and not understanding why she chewed so much up. After a few months settling in, I enrolled Besa in doggy behavior classes. I was ecstatic when she graduated.

Being in college and working was a lot of time away from her, so I would take Besa wherever I could with me. She loved everyone she met and was the sweetest dog every time. 

Over the years, Larry and I were known for our get togethers and Besa was always there to make sure everyone smiled. She was good at making her rounds and loving on everyone. The number of people that she got to meet over her 12 years with me is astounding. 

We loved going on walks and spending time with other family dogs whenever we could. For a couple years, we would have doggie play dates with my sister and her god Kona. Besa was always a great example to help keep the other dogs in line.

There were a few years in my mid 20’s where I moved around a few times. Each of these times, Besa was right by side. She didn’t care where we went, as long as she was with me she was happy. Over time, she lived a total of 5 different places with me. When we moved to the River house, she learned to stay on the property instantly. She was well behaved, and until she lost her hearing, she listened well too.

For a dog that lived to be 14, she had surprisingly few health issues. In December 2020, Besa ended up with pancreatitis. After being in the hospital for a couple days, they determined she also had a splenic mass. After an ultrasound in Indianapolis, we were told she needed to have a $5,000 surgery or she may not live. Obviously, she gave us another 3.5 years after that. In October 2021, she ended up with a gash on her paw and we never determined how. A few days of rest and she was all healed up. She was amazingly good at keeping herself safe and out of trouble.

When we lost our Bogie girl in February 2023, Besa held strong and helped kept us moving forward. We got to take her out for Larry’s birthday that year and she enjoyed the love.

Besa loved getting the zoomies on the homestead, eating cucumbers with her sister Bogie, and giving kisses whenever she could. The level of agility Besa had was unmatched and amazed anyone who got the opportunity to see her. 

On Saturday May 4, 2024 Besa collapsed while walking to bed. Over the next 36 hours she seemed to improve in strength, but was still very slow moving and seemed zoned out. She wasn’t eating well and was just not herself. On Monday May 6 we took her to the vet. They found a heart murmur and recommended going to Indy for an ultrasound. We declined the testing due to age and health condition. Besa crossed the rainbow bridge to join her sister Bogie at 6pm on Monday.

Before she left, she spent time by the river with Larry and I. We did some driving around and she got to get all the fresh air in her face.

Besa had an assortment of names over the years. Maser, Macy, Blazey, Besa Cheese, Heffer Herder, and many more. I hope she gets to sit around the table and talk to all the other doggies about the crazy ass names humans make up for them. Besa dog will go down in history and will forever hold a piece of heart.

Until our souls meet again, I love you Besa girl.

May 7, 2024

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Let's hear your thoughts!

  1. Darla says:

    I absolutely LOVE this…what a way to celebrate your dog’s life. I think every pet should have obits. My cousin Time wrote one for her dog that was better than most humans! It just says how much we love our fur babies & how much impact they have on everyone while here on earth with us. Thank you for honoring Besa girl with your kind words & thoughts. She definitely earned her wings! Much love,xoxo

  2. Amy Rench says:

    Besa was the best grand pup ever! Forever in my heart!